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Professor Meeuwig appointed as the Wen Family Chair in Conservation
15 February 2023
The Wen Family have endowed a Chair in Conservation in perpetuity, the goal of which is to foster research that has a direct policy impact on conservation outcomes. As the inaugural Chair, Professor Meeuwig will continue her research on empirical approaches to understanding our oceans, with a focus on open-ocean wildlife and her advocacy for improved ocean conservation.
Sharks are the preferred scraping surface for large pelagic fishes: Possible implications for parasite removal and fitness in a changing ocean
25 October 2022
Mutualistic and commensal interactions can have significant positive impacts on animal fitness and survival. However, behavioural interactions between pelagic animals living in offshore oceanic environments are little studied. Here we provide records of scraping behaviour of several pelagic teleost species…
Assessing progress in data reporting by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
09 June 2022
An understanding of the scope and availability of data provided by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations is timely, given the expected establishment of a new legally binding high seas agreement to protect marine biodiversity in the Exclusive Economic Zones and Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Fish associated with subsea pipelines and their rock berms
26 May 2022
The ecological role of subsea pipelines is an important factor in the consideration of decommissioning options. Several studies have assessed the marine communities associated with subsea pipelines on Australia’s North West Shelf (NWS). Less is known about the artificial rock berms used to stabilise pipelines.
March 8th - International Women’s Day 2022
08 March 2022
International Women’s Day 2022
On International Women’s Day, the Marine Futures Lab would like to celebrate the achievements of our women researchers contributing to ocean conservation.
Garig Gunak Barlu National Park Green Sawfish (Pristis zijsron) aggregation surveys
23 February 2022
A collaboration between Charles Darwin University and the Marine Futures Lab has successfully utilised drones to characterise Critically Endangered green sawfish (Pristis zijsron) aggregations in Garig Gunak Barlu National Park in the Northern Territory.
Offshore platforms as novel ecosystems: A case study from Australia’s Northwest Shelf
20 February 2022
Offshore oil and gas platforms can function as “novel ecosystems” supporting diverse and abundant marine wildlife, according to researchers from the University of Western Australia. Six surveys were conducted over three years at the Wandoo oil field.
Identification of the southernmost aggregation of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in Australia
18 February 2022
We conducted weekly aerial drone surveys over two Austral summers at the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park to document the status of the aggregation.
Coupling Echosounding and Baited Stereo-Videography to estimate pelagic fish biomass
01 December 2021
In our new paper, published in Ecosystems, we twin acoustic surveys and video-based samplings for the first time in order to estimate fish biomass in the top 200 m across 118,000 km2 of the Chagos Archipelago.