March 8th - International Women’s Day 2022

Marine Futures Lab | March2022





On International Women’s Day, the Marine Futures Lab would like to celebrate the achievements of our women researchers contributing to ocean conservation.
Naima Andrea Lopez whose recent published work on endangered hammerheads and media raises attention on the need to protect these magnificent animals. Hanna Jabour Christ who completed a 1st class honours on functional ecology of pelagic species … watch this space for the paper. Shona Murray who has progressed her PhD whilst COVID-stuck in the UK and still continues her work on IUCN Vulnerable silky sharks. Lincoln Hood who is teasing out the impacts of noise on fish, collaborating with Global Fishing Watch. Kristina Heidrich who is putting a lens on Indian Ocean tuna fisheries and Vania Andreoli who is driving the conversation on nutrient equity. To the women working with the lab Jenny, Abi and Maicey, just thanks and we look forward to watching your journeys.

And thank you to the wonderful men in our lab who contribute to ocean conservation whilst supporting a safe and equitable place for women.



MFL women researchers


Fish associated with subsea pipelines and their rock berms


Garig Gunak Barlu National Park Green Sawfish (Pristis zijsron) aggregation surveys