Migratory birds could explain the fragmented global distribution of a shallow water benthic foraminifer

Credit: Tremblin, C. M., & Walker, J. K.

One of our researchers recently helped write up a paper on an exploratory study for a range extension of a Cosmopolitan Estuarine Organic-Cemented Agglutinated Foraminifer, in South-West Western Australia. The paper also discusses how migratory birds may play a pivotal role in the global distribution of this species.

To view the full paper : https://rswa.scholasticahq.com/article/129191-how-did-it-get-here-first-record-of-_trochamminita-irregularis_-a-cosmopolitan-estuarine-organic-cemented-agglutinated-foraminifer-in-south-west-w


Conservation implications of dominant species associated with ocean infrastructure: The genus Tubastraea (Dendrophyllidae)