Prof. Jessica Meeuwig
Wen Family Chair in Conservation
Director, Marine Futures Lab
Letessier TB, Mouillot D, Mannocci L, Jabour Christ H, Elamin EM, Elamin SM, Friedlander AM, Hearn A, Juhel JB, Kleiven AR, Moland E, […], Meeuwig JJ. 2024. Divergent responses of pelagic and benthic fish body-size structure to remoteness and protection from humans. Science, 383,976-982. 10.1126
Sumaila UR, Alam L, Abdallah PR, Aheto D, Akintola SL, Alger J, Andreoli V, Bailey M, Barnes C, Ben-Hasan A, […], Meeuwig JJ, […],Pauly D,. 2024. WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement. npj Ocean Sustainability. 3(1), p.6., 10.1038.
Tothill T, Meeuwig JJ, Van Elden S. 2024. The vertical distribution of fish on two offshore oil platforms. Front. Mar. Sci, 11, 10.3389.
Thompson CD, Meeuwig JJ, Friedlander AM, Sala E. 2024. Remote seamounts are key conservation priorities for pelagic wildlife. Conservation Letters. 17(1). 10.1111
Andreoli V, Meeuwig JJ, Skerritt DJ, Schuhbauer A, Sumaila UR, Zeller D. 2023 Fisheries subsidies exacerbate inequities in accessing seafood nutrients in the Indian Ocean. npj Ocean Sustainability. 2(1), p.23. 10.1038
Widmann ME, van Elden S, Meeuwig JJ. 2023. Colour change and colour phases in Lethrinidae with insights into ecology. Ecology and Evolution. 13(12). 10.1002
Heidrich KN, Meeuwig JJ, Juan- Jordá MJ, Palomares ML, Pauly D, Thompson CDH, Friedlander AM, Sala E, Zeller D. 2023. Multiple lines of evidence highlight the dire straits of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean. Ocean & Coastal Management, 246, 106902.
Heidrich K, Meeuwig JJ, Zeller D. 2023. Reconstructing past fisheries catches for large pelagic species in the Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.3389.
López NA, McAuley RB, van Elden S, Meeuwig JJ. 2023. Spatial and temporal characterization of a recurrent scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini aggregation using drones. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 10.1093.
Murray S, Meeuwig JJ, Thompson CDH, Mouillot D. 2023. Identifying the drivers of silky shark distribution and an evaluation of protection measures. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 106, 1693-1713.
Nalmpanti M, Chrysafi A, Meeuwig JJ, et al. 2023. Monitoring marine fishes using underwater video techniques in the Mediterranean Sea. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 33, 1291–1310. 10.1007.
Tickler DM, Carlisle AB, Meeuwig JJ, Chapple TK, et al. 2023. Pop-up archival tags reveal environmental influences on the vertical movements of silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 717:85-105. 10.3354.
Thompson CDH, Meeuwig JJ, Friedlander AM, Sala E. 2023. Remote seamounts are key conservation priorities for pelagic wildlife. Conservation Letters, 00, e12993, https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12993
Davies C, Tothill T, Meeuwig JJ, Kyne PM (2022) Garig Gunak Barlu National Park green sawfish (Pristis zijsron) aggregation surveys. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub. Charles Darwin University, Darwin.
Heidrich KN, Juan-Jordá MJ, Murua H, Thompson CDH, Meeuwig JJ, Zeller D (2022) Assessing progress in data reporting by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12687
López NA, McAuley, RB, Meeuwig, JJ (2022) Identification of the southernmost aggregation of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in Australia. Austral Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.13149
Thompson CDH, Meeuwig JJ. 2022. Sharks are the preferred scraping surface for large pelagic fishes: Possible implications for parasite removal and fitness in a changing ocean. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0275458. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0275458
van Elden S, Meeuwig JJ and Hobbs RJ. 2022. Offshore platforms as novel ecosystems: A case study from Australia’s Northwest Shelf. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8496
van Elden S, Tothill T, Meeuwig JJ. 2022. Fish associated with subsea pipelines and their rock berms. The APPEA Journal 62, S362-S367
Al-Rasady IH, Meeuwig JJ, Claereboudt MR. 2021. Low Oxygen Zones Predict Future Condition of Fish Under Climate Change. The Arabian Seas: Biodiversity, Environmental Challenges and Conservation Measures. May 1:121.
Forrest JA, Bouchet PJ, Barley SC, McLennan AG, Meeuwig JJ. 2021. True blue: Temporal and spatial stability of pelagic wildlife at a submarine canyon. Ecosphere. 2021 Mar;12(3):e03423.
Letessier TB, Proud R, Meeuwig JJ, Cox MJ, Hosegood PJ, Brierley AS. 2021. Estimating pelagic fish biomass in a tropical seascape using echosounding and baited stereo-videography. Ecosystems 25: 1400–1417.
Meeuwig JJ, Thompson C, Forrest JA, Jabour Christ H, Letessier TB, Meeuwig DJ. 2021. Pulling back the blue curtain: a pelagic monitoring program for the Blue Belt. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:788.
Thompson CD, Meeuwig JJ, Brown J, Richardson AJ, Friedlander AM, Miller PI, Weber SB. 2021. Spatial variation in pelagic wildlife assemblages in the Ascension Island Marine Protected Area: implications for monitoring and management. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021;8:684.
Barley S, Clark TD, Meeuwig JJ. 2020. Ecological redundancy between coral reef sharks and predatory teleosts. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30 (1), 153-172.
Bouchet PJ, Letessier TBL, Caley MJ, Nichol SL, Hemmi J, Meeuwig JJ. 2020. Submerged carbonate banks aggregate pelagic megafauna in offshore tropical Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00530
Freire K, Belhabib D, Espedido J, Hood L, Kleisner K, Lam V, Machado M, Mendonça JT, Meeuwig JJ, Moro P, Motta F, Palomares MLD, Smith N, The LC, Zeller D, Zylich K, Pauly D. 2020. Estimating global catches of marine recreational fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.3389/fmars.2020.00012
Hays GC, Koldewey HJ, […], Meeuwig JJ, […], Curnick D. J. 2020. A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges. Marine Biology 167 (11), 1-22.
Palomares MLD, Froese R; Derrick B, Meeuwig JJ, Nöel S-L, Tsui G, Woroniak J, Zeller D, Pauly D (In Review) Biomass trends of exploited fish populations in marine ecoregions, climatic zones and ocean basins. Estuarine, Coast and Shelf Science.
Perez‐Correa J, Carr P, Meeuwig JJ, Koldewey HJ, Letessier TB. 2020. Climate oscillation and the invasion of alien species influence the oceanic distribution of seabirds. Ecology and Evolution 10 (17), 9339-9357.
Rogers A., Burton M, Cleland J, Rolfe J, Meeuwig JJ and Pannell D. 2020. Expert judgements and community values: preference heterogeneity for protecting river ecology in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
van Elden S. and Meeuwig JJ. 2020. Wild observation of putative dynamic decapod mimicry by a cuttlefish (Sepia cf. smithi). Marine Biodiversity 50(6), 1-6.
van Elden S., Tothill T., Meeuwig JJ. 2020. Strategies for obtaining ecological data to enhance decommissioning assessments. The APPEA Journal 60(2) 559-562.
Sheehan E, Hosegood P, Game C, Attrill M, Tickler D, Wootton M, Johns D, Meeuwig JJ. 2019. The effect of deep oceanic flushing on water properties and ecosystem functioning within atolls in the British Indian Ocean Territory. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi.org/10.3389/fmars2019.00512
Juhel JB, Vigliola L, Wantiez L, Letessier TB, Meeuwig JJ , Mouillot D. 2019. Isolation and no-entry marine reserves mitigate anthropogenic impacts on grey reef shark behavior. Scientific Reports, 9 (2897).
Thompson CDH, Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ. 2019. First underwater sighting of Shepherd’s beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi). Marine Biodiversity Records, 12: 6.
Hammerschlag N, Barley SC, Irschick DJ, Meeuwig JJ, Nelson ER, Meekan MG. 2018. Predator declines and morphological changes in prey: Evidence from coral reefs depleted of sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 586: 127-139.
Ong JL, Rountrey AN, Black BA, Nguyen HM, Coulson PG, Newman SJ, Wakefield CB, Meeuwig JJ, Meekan MG. 2018. A boundary current drives synchronous growth of marine fishes across tropical and temperate latitudes. Global Change Biology, 24(5): 1894-1903.
Sequeira AMM, Mellin C, Lozano-Montes HM, Meeuwig JJ, Vanderklift MA, Haywood MDE, Babcock RC, Caley MJ. 2018. Challenges of transferring models of fish abundance between coral reefs. PeerJ, 6: e4566.
Tickler D, Meeuwig JJ, Palomares ML, Pauly D, Zeller D. 2018. Far from home: Distance patterns of global fishing fleets. Science Advances, 4(8): eaar3279.
Tickler D, Meeuwig JJ, Bryant K, David F, Forrest JAH, Gordon E, Larsen JJ, Oh B, Pauly D, Sumaila UR, Zeller D. 2018. Modern slavery and the race to fish. Nature Communications, 9: 4643.
Barley SC, Meekan MG, Meeuwig, JJ. 2017. Diet and condition of mesopredators on coral reefs in relation to shark abundance. PloS ONE, 12(4): e0165113.
Barley SC, Meekan MG, Meeuwig, JJ. 2017. Species diversity, abundance, biomass, size and trophic structure of fish on coral reefs in relation to shark abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 565: 163-179.
Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ, Huang Z, Letessier TBL, Nichol SL, Caley MJ, Watson RA. 2017. Continental-scale hotspots of pelagic fish abundance inferred from commercial catch records. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26: 1098–1111.
Juhel JB, Vigliola L, Mouillot D, Kulbicki M, Letessier TBL, Meeuwig JJ, Wantiez L. 2017. Reef accessibility impairs the protection of sharks. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55: 673-683.
Oh BZL, Thums M, Babcock RC, Meeuwig JJ, Pillans RD, Speed C, Meekan MG. 2017. Contrasting patterns of residency and space use of coastal sharks within a communal shark nursery. Marine & Freshwater Research.
Tickler DM, Letessier TB, Koldewey HJ, Meeuwig JJ. 2017. Drivers of abundance and spatial distribution of reef-associated sharks in an isolated atoll reef system. PloS ONE, 12(5): e0177374.
Andrzejaczek S, Meeuwig J, Rowat D, Pierce S, Davies T, Fisher R, Meekan M. 2016. The ecological connectivity of whale shark aggregations in the Indian Ocean: A photo-identification approach. Royal Society Open Science, 3: 160455.
Barley SC, Meeuwig JJ. 2016. The power and the pitfalls of large-scale, unreplicated natural experiments. Ecosystems. DOI:10.1007/s10021-016-0028-5.
Hehre EJ, Meeuwig JJ. 2016. A global analysis of the relationship between farmed seaweed production and herbivorous fish catch. PloS ONE, 11(2): e0148250.
Kempster R, Hart N, Chapuis L, Ryan L, Kerr C, Huveneers C, Yopak K, Meeuwig J, Collin S. How close is too close? The effect of a non-lethal electric shark deterrent on white shark behaviour. PloS ONE, 11(7): e0157717.
Letessier TB, Cox MJ, Meeuwig JJ, Boersch-Supan PH, Brierley AS. 2016. Enhanced pelagic biomass around coral atolls. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 546: 271-276.
Oh ZLB, Sequeira AMM, Meekan MG, Ruppert JLW, Meeuwig JJ. 2016. Predicting occurrence of juvenile shark habitat to improve conservation planning. Conservation Biology, DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12868.
Ong JJL, Rountrey AN, Marriott RJ, Newman SJ, Meeuwig JJ, Meekan MG. 2016. Cross-continent comparisons reveal differing environmental drivers of growth of the coral reef fish, Lutjanus bohar. Coral Reefs, DOI: 10.1007/s00338-016-1520-2.
Ong J, Rountrey A, Zinke J, Meeuwig J, Grierson P, O’Donnell A, Newman S, Lough J, Trougan M, Meekan M. 2016. Evidence for climate-driven synchrony of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in northwest Australia. Global Change Biology, 11. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13239
Vianna GMS, Meekan MG, Ruppert JLW, Bornovski TH, Meeuwig JJ. In press. Indicators of fishing mortality on reef shark populations in the world’s first shark sanctuary: the need for surveillance and enforcement. Coral Reefs, 35(3): 973-977.
Yates K, Mellin C, Caley MJ, Radford B, Meeuwig J. 2016. Models of marine fish biodiversity: Assessing predictors from three habitat classification schemes. PLoS ONE, 11(6): e0155634.
Barley SC, Mehta RS, Meeuwig JJ, Meekan MG. 2015. To knot or not? Novel feeding behaviours in moray eels. Marine Biodiversity, 46(3): 703-705.
Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ. 2015. Drifting baited stereo-videography: A novel sampling tool for surveying pelagic wildlife in offshore marine reserves. Ecosphere, 6: art137.
Bouchet P, Meeuwig JJ, Salgado Kent C, Letessier T, Jenner C. 2015. Topographic determinants of mobile predator hotspots: Current knowledge and future directions. Biological Reviews, 90(3): 699-728.
Braithwaite JE, Meeuwig JJ, Jenner CS, Letessier TB, Brierley AS. 2015. From sea ice to blubber: Linking whale condition to krill abundance using historical records. Polar Biology, 38(8): 1195-1202.
Braithwaite JE, Meeuwig JJ, Hipsey M. 2015. Optimal migration energetics of humpback whales and the implications of disturbance. Conservation Physiology, 3(1): cov001.
Ferreira LC, Thums M, Meeuwig JJ, Vianna GMS, Stevens J, McAuley R, Meekan MG. 2015. Crossing latitudes – long-distance tracking of an apex predator. PloS ONE, 10(2): e0116916.
Hehre J, Meeuwig JJ. Differential response of fish assemblages to coral reef based seaweed farming. PLoS ONE, 10(3): e011883.
Letessier TB, Juhel, JB, Vigliola, L, Meeuwig JJ. 2015. Low cost GoPro cameras generates accurate underwater stereo measurements of fish. Journal Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 466: 120-126.
Letessier TB,Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ . 2015. Sampling mobile oceanic fishes and sharks: Implications for fisheries and conservation planning. Biological Reviews, 92(2): 627-646.
Meeuwig JJ, Harcourt RG, Whoriskey FG. 2015. When science places threatened species at risk. Conservation letters, 8(3): 151-152.
Nguyen HM, Rountrey AN, Coulson PG, Feng M, Meeuwig JJ, Newman SJ, Waite A, Wakefield CB, Meekan MG. 2015. Growth of a deep-water, predatory fish is driven by the productivity of a boundary current system. Scientific Reports, 5: art9044.
Ong JJ, Rountrey AN, Meeuwig JJ, Newman SJ, Zinke J, Meekan MG. 2015. Contrasting environmental drivers of adult and juvenile growth in a marine fish: Implications for the effects of climate change. Scientific Reports, 5: art10859.
Ryan L, Meeuwig JJ, Hemmi J, Collin SP, Hart NS. 2015. It is not just size that matters: Shark cruising speeds are species-specific. Marine Biology, 162(6): 1307-1318.
Sanzogni RL, Meekan MG, Meeuwig JJ. 2015. Multi-year impacts of ecotourism on whale shark (Rhincodon typus) visitation at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. PLoS ONE, 10(9): e0127345.
Sequeira AMM, Mellin C, Lozano-Montes H, Vanderklift MA, Babcock RC, Haywood MDE, Meeuwig JJ, Caley J. 2015. Transferability of predictive models of coral reef fish species richness. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(1): 64-72.
Jaiteh VF, Allen SJ, Meeuwig JJ, Loneragan NR. 2014. Combining in-trawl video with observer coverage improves understanding of protected and vulnerable species bycatch in trawl fisheries. Marine Freshwater Research, 65(9): 830-837.
Letessier TB, Bouchet PJ, Reisser, J, Meeuwig JJ. 2014. Baited videography reveals remote foraging and migration behaviour of sea turtles. Marine Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-014-0287-3
Meeuwig JJ, Ferreira LC. 2014. Moving beyond lethal shark hazard mitigation programs. Animal Conservation 17(4): 297-298.
Rountrey AN, Coulson PG, Meeuwig JJ, Meekan, MG. 2014. Water temperature and fish growth: Otoliths predict growth patterns of a marine fish in a changing climate. Global Change Biology 20(8): 2450-2458.
Vianna GMS, Meekan MG, Tova B, Meeuwig JJ. 2014. Acoustic telemetry validates citizen science approach for monitoring sharks on coral reefs. Plos ONE, 9(4): e95565.
Jaiteh VF, Allen SJ, Meeuwig JJ, Loneragan NR. 2013. Sub-surface behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) interacting with fish trawl nets in north-western Australia. Marine Mammal Science, 29(3): E266-E281.
Letessier TB, Meeuwig JJ, Kemp K, Groves L, Bouchet PJ, Chapuis L, Vianna GM, Gollock M, Koldewey HJ. 2013. Assessing pelagic fish populations: The application of demersal video techniques to the mid-water environment. Methods in Oceanography, 8: 41-55.
Letessier TB, Kawaguchi S, King R, Meeuwig JJ, Cox MJ. 2013. A robust and economical underwater stereo video system to observe Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Open Journal of Marine Science, 3(3): art34580.
Vianna GMS, Meekan MG, Pannell DJ, Marsh SP, Meeuwig JJ. 2013. Reply to Catlin et al. (2013): Valuing individual animals through tourism: Science or speculation? Biological Conservation, 166: 301-302.
Vianna GMS, Meekan MG, Meeuwig JJ, Speed CW. 2013. Environmental influences on patterns of vertical movement and site fidelity of grey reef sharks at aggregation sites. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60331.
Bellchambers, LM, Evans SN, Meeuwig JJ. 2012. Assessing the effectiveness of two methods of habitat characterisation for understanding species habitat relationships, using the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus George). Fisheries Research, 139: 5-10.
Braithwaite JE, Meeuwig JJ, Jenner CS. 2012. Estimating cetacean carrying capacity based on spacing behaviour. PLoS ONE, 7(12): e51347.
Cheung WLL, Meeuwig JJ, Feng M, Harvey ES, Lam V, Langlois T, Slawinski D, Sun C, Pauly D. 2012. Climate-change induced tropicalisation of marine communities in Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63(5): 415-427.
Harvey ES, Newman SJ, McLean DL, Cappo M, Meeuwig JJ, Skepper CL. 2012. Comparison of the relative efficiencies of stereo-BRUVs and traps for sampling tropical continental shelf demersal fishes. Fisheries Research, 125-126: 108-120.
Langlois TJ, Radford B, Van Niel K, Meeuwig JJ, Pearce A, Rousseaux C, Kendrick GA, Harvey ES. 2012. Consistent abundance distributions of marine fishes in an old, climatically buffered, infertile seascape. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(9): 886-897.
Langlois TJ, Fitzpatrick B, Wakefield CB, Fairclough DV, Hesp A, McLean D, Harvey ES, Meeuwig JJ. 2012. Similarities between line fishing and baited stereo-video estimations of length frequency: Novel application of kernel density estimates. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e45973.
Langlois TJ, Harvey ES, Meeuwig JJ. 2012. Strong direct and inconsistent indirect effects of fishing found using stereo-video: Testing indicators from fisheries closures. Ecological Indicators, 23: 524-534.
Vianna GMS, Meekan MG, Pannell D, Marsh S, Meeuwig JJ. 2012. Socio-economic value and community benefits from shark-diving tourism in Palau: A sustainable use of reef shark populations. Biological Conservation, 145(1): 267-277.
Bellchambers LM, Meeuwig JJ, Evans SN. 2011. Modelling habitat associations of 14 species of holothurians from an unfished coral atoll: Implications for fisheries management. Aquatic Biology, 14: 57-66.
Bellchambers LM, Meeuwig JJ, Evans SN, Legendre P. 2011. Modelling habitat associations of the common spider conch Lambis lambis in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 432: 83-90.
Cheung WWL, Meeuwig JJ, Lam VWY. 2011. Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management in the face of climate change. In: Christensen V. and Maclean J. (eds.). Thinking Big About Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp 171-188. (Invited Chapter).
McLean D, Harvey ES, Meeuwig JJ. 2011. Declines in the abundance of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) in areas closed to fishing at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 406(1-2): 71-78.
Newman SJ, Skepper CL, Mitsopoulos GEA, Wakefield CB, Meeuwig JJ, Harvey ES. 2011. Assessment of the potential impacts of trap usage and ghost fishing on the northern demersal scalefish fishery. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 19(2): 74-84.
Newman, SJ, Allsop Q, Ballagh AC, Garrett RN, Gribble N, Horne J, Meeuwig JJ, Moore B, Pember MB, Rome BC, Saunders T, Stapley J, van Herwerden L and Welch DJ. 2011. Stock structure of blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia as inferred from stable isotopes in sagittal otolith carbonate. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 18(3): 246-257.
Ogburn D, Meeuwig J, McCafferty P, Grice K, Waddington K. 2011. Recent developments in methods to detect impacts in coastal benthic habitats in Western Australia. Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 13th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, 546-551.
Smale DA, Langlois TJ, Kendrick GA, Meeuwig JJ, Harvey ES. 2011. From fronds to fish: The use of indicators for ecological monitoring in marine benthic ecosystems, with case studies from temperate Western Australia. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 21(3): 311-337.
Bellchambers LM, Evans SN, Meeuwig JJ. 2010. Abundance and size of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) as a function of benthic habitat: Implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(3): 279-287.
Langlois TJ, Harvey ES, Fitzpatrick BJ, Meeuwig JJ, Shedrawi G, Watson DL. 2010. Cost-efficient sampling of tropical and temperate fish assemblages: Comparison of diver transects and baited video. Aquatic Biology, 9: 155-168.
Meeuwig JJ. 2010. A Leeuwin tasting plate: A review of the proceedings of the Leeuwin Current Symposium (2007). Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 23(4): 78 (Invited review).
Newman SJ, Allsop Q, Ballagh AC, Garrett RN, Gribble N, Horne J, Meeuwig JJ, Moore B, Pember MB, Rome BC, Saunders T, Stapley J, van Herwerden L, Welch DJ. 2010. Variation in stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) signatures in the sagittal otolith carbonate of king threadfin, Polydactylus macrochir across northern Australia reveals multifaceted stock structure. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 396(1): 53-60.
Smale DA, Kendrick GA, Waddington KI, Van Niel KP, Meeuwig JJ, Harvey ES. 2010. Benthic assemblage composition on subtidal reefs along a latitudinal gradient in Western Australia. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 86(1): 83-92.
Waddington KI, Piek BW, Payne AD, Grove SL, Harvey ES, Kendrick GA, Taylor GA, Meeuwig JJ. 2010. Description of a remote still photography system for collection of benthic photo-quadrats. Marine Technology Society Journal, 44(2): 56-63.
Waddington KI, Meeuwig JJ, Evans SN, Bellchambers LM. 2010. Assessment of the benthic biota of a deep-coastal ecosystem by remote and in situ sampling techniques. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(10): 1164-1170.
Marcus JE, Samoilys MA, Meeuwig JJ, Villongco ZAD, Vincent ACJ. 2007. Benthic status of near-shore fishing grounds in the central Philippines and associated seahorse densities. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(9): 1483-1494.
Meeuwig JJ, Samoilys MA , Erediano J, Hall HJ. 2007. Fishers’ Perceptions on the Seahorse Fishery in Central Philippines: Interactive approaches and an evaluation of results. In: Fishers’ Knowledge in Fisheries Science and Management. Haggan, N, Neis, B Baird IG. (eds). Paris: UNESCO 221-247 (Invited Chapter).
Meeuwig JJ, Hoang DH, Ky TS, Job SD, Vincent ACJ. 2006. Quantifying non-target seahorse fisheries in central Vietnam.Fisheries Research, 81(2-3): 149-157.
Vincent ACJ, Meeuwig JJ, Pajaro MJ, Perante N. 2007. Characterizing a small-scale data-poor, artisanal fishery: Seahorses in the central Philippines. Fisheries Research, 86(2-3): 207-215.
Waddington KI, Meeuwig JJ. 2009. Contribution of bait to lobster production in an oligotrophic marine ecosystem as determined using a mass balance model. Fisheries Research, 99(1): 1-6.
Watson DL, Harvey ES, Shortis M, Seager J, Cappo M, Meeuwig JJ. 2008. The application of stereo-video technology to survey demersal fish assemblages. Proceedings of the World Fisheries Congress.
Martin-Smith K, Samoilys M, Meeuwig JJ, Vincent ACJ. 2004. Collaborative development of management options for an artisanal fishery for seahorses in the central Philippines. Ocean Coastal Management, 47(3-4): 165-193.
Pajaro MG, Meeuwig JJ, Giles BG, Vincent ACJ. 2004. Biology, fishery and trade of sea moths (Pisces: Pegasidae) in the central Philippines. Oryx, 38(4): 432-438.
Baum JK, Meeuwig JJ, Vincent ACJ. 2003. Bycatch of lined seahorses, Hippocampus erectus, in a Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery. Fishery Bulletin, 101(4): 722-731.
Fa JE, Currie D, Meeuwig JJ. 2003. Bushmeat and food security in the Congo Basin: Linkages between wildlife and people’s future. Environmental Conservation, 30(1): 71-78.
Kauppila P, Meeuwig JJ, Pitkänen H. 2003. Predicting oxygen in small estuaries of the Baltic Sea: A comparative approach.Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 57(5-6): 1115-1126.
Job SD, Do HH, Meeuwig JJ, Hall HJ. 2002. Culturing the Oceanic Seahorse, Hippocampus kuda. Aquaculture 214(1-4): 333-341.
Perante NC, Pajaro MG, Meeuwig JJ, Vincent ACJ 2002. Biology of a seahorse species, Hippocampus comes in the central Philippines. Journal of Fish Biology, 60(4): 821-837.
Meeuwig JJ. 2002. Predicting eutrophication in Prince Edward Island estuaries from land use patterns. In: D.K. Cairns (ed.). Effects of land use practices on fish, shellfish, and their habitats on Prince Edward Island. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 157 p.
Fa JE, Peres C, Meeuwig JJ. 2002. Bushmeat exploitation in tropical forests: An intercontinental comparison. Conservation Biology, 16(1) 232-237.
Saunders DL, Meeuwig JJ, Vincent ACJ. 2002. Freshwater protected areas: Strategies for conservation. Conservation Biology, 16(1): 30-41.
deBruyn AMH, Meeuwig JJ. 2001. Detecting lunar cycles in marine ecology: Periodic regression vs. categorical ANOVA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 214: 307-310.
Meeuwig JJ, Kauppila P, Pitkänen H. 2000. Predicting coastal eutrophication in the Baltic: A limnological approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57(4): 844-855.
Meeuwig JJ. 1999. Predicting coastal eutrophication from land-use: An empirical approach to small non-stratified estuaries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 176: 231-241.
Meeuwig JJ, Rasmussen JR, Peters RH. 1998. Turbid waters and clarifying mussels: Their moderation of empirical chl:nutrient relations in estuaries in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 171: 139-150.
Meeuwig JJ, Peters RH. 1996. Circumventing phosphorus in lake management: a comparison of chlorophyll-a predictions from land-use and phosphorus-loading models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53(8): 1795-1806.
Marsden J, Meeuwig JJ. 1990. Preferences of a planktotrophic larvae of the tropical serpulid Spirobranchus giganteus for exudates of corals from a Barbados reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 137(2) :95-104.
BIO: Born on the Canadian prairies, I grew up in Saudi Arabia. I obtained my dive certificate at the age of 15 and as such had a first hand view of healthy reefs in the 1980s and early 1990s. It also gave me a first row seat to watch the subsequent and progressive emptying of fish from our oceans.
A BSc(Hons) from McGill University in tropical marine biology, a Masters in Environmental Studies from Dalhousie in coastal policy followed by a PhD from McGill University in limnology were the foundation of my training as a conservation biologist. Of significance, was my exposure to empirical ecology under my mentor Rob Peters.
As the Wen Family Chair in Conservation, I work to understand the ecology of marine life, with a focus on open-ocean communities, and the way in which their status reflects anthropogenic impacts and management responses. My lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to marine conservation using a diverse repertoire of field and analysis techniques, from baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVS), to acoustic and satellite tagging, trophic analyses, behavioural studies, and empirical modelling. Translating this research into communication outputs and policy impacts is core to our efforts, both in Australia and internationally.
Awards and Appointments
2024 - Honorary Professor - Exeter University, England
2023- Wen Family Chair in Conservation
2020 - Affiliate Professor, University of British Columbia, Oceans Institute
2019 - Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering’s Eminent Speaker
2017 - West Australian of the Year – finalist
2012 - WA Science Ambassador – 1 of 3 finalists.
2012 - Western Australia’s “100 Most Influential” – First in the Environment category (The Weekend Australian, 21 April 2012)
2011 - Conservation Fellow – Zoological Society of London
2011-2016 - Adjunct Professor – University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre
2010 - Awards of Excellence – Online Video Documentary and Online Video Education.International Academy of the Visual Arts Communicator Awards for “A Tour of Australia’s Southwest Marine Region”
2009 - Award for excellence in marine research – State Coastal Conference.
1999 - Finalist – T.W.M Cameron Award for Outstanding PhD thesis, Canadian Zoology Society.
1998 - Dean’s Honour List for PhD thesis (top 10%) – McGill University.
1993 - Ultimate Frisbee National Championships (Ottawa) – “Golden Bra” Award for Outstanding Contributions to Support Canadian National Women’s Ultimate.
Advisory Boards
2022 - Sea Around Us Advisory Board - member and Chair
2021 - IUCN Specialist Group - Species Monitoring
2020 - Marine Conservation Institute - Science Council
2017 - FishBase Consortium - member; Vice Chair in 2018/2019; Chair in 2019/2020
2015-2018 - Ocean Science Council - Founding Member
The Conversation
October 16, 2023: Critically endangered scalloped hammerheads gather in seas off Perth. They need protection
July 31, 2023: The secret lives of silky sharks: unveiling their whereabouts supports their protection
October 20, 2022: How do fishes scratch their itches? It turns out sharks are involved
September 25, 2019 Here is a global solution to the plastic waste crisis - and A$443 million to get it started
November 8, 2018: How to keep slave-caught seafood off your plate
September 21, 2017: More than 1,200 scientists urge rethink on Australia’s marine park plans
July 24, 2017: Australia’s new marine parks plan is a case of the Emperor’s new clothes
October 28, 2016: Changes to Australia’s marine reserves leave our oceans unprotected
September 1, 2016: Humans are experimenting with the planet, so let’s make sure we learn along the way
February 8, 2016: Relax, shark numbers aren’t booming, but more research can make us safer
November 14, 2014: Now is our chance to deliver on the 30% ocean protection target
September 12, 2014: Western Australian shark cull policy dumped: experts react
July 4, 2014: Why we’re opposing Western Australia’s shark cull: scientists
May 23, 2014: WA’s shark cull didn’t answer the big ocean safety questions
February 21, 2014: Has Queensland really saved lives by killing thousands of sharks?
February 12, 2014: Explainer: sharks — why size and species matter
January 24, 2014: Towing sharks out to sea will let us protect people … and sharks
December 18, 2013: Paper parks or a world-class system of ocean protection?
May 16, 2013: Climate change threatens global fish stocks
September 5, 2012: Super trawler protection conditions not tough enough, experts say
August 30, 2012: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish: science doesn’t support the super trawler
Marine Futures Lab, School of Biological Sciences
Oceans Institute
University of Western Australia M092
35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009