Adam Jolly

Senior Technician


Hajbane, S., Calmanovici, B., Reisser, J., Jolly, A., Summers, V., Ferrari, F., Ghadouani, A., and Pattiaratchi, C. B. (2021) Coastal garbage patches: evidence for significant accumulations of buoyant plastics along shallow coastal fronts at Ashmore Reef (Pulau Pasir) Marine Park. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 613399.



Ashmore Reef
Bremer Bay
Cockburn Sound
Far North Queensland
Geographe Bay
Hamelin Bay
Kimberley and Ashmore Reef
Northwest WA - Wandoo platform
Perth Canyon
Recherche Archipelago
Shark Bay
The Rowley Shoals
The Montebello islands
The Great Barrier Reef
Two Rocks


Senior Technician:
My core roles in the lab include leading field expeditions (over 20 to date), vessel skippering and field survey logistics, BRUV deployment and image analysis, training and support, equipment maintenance and community engagement.  

I am skilled in a range of sampling techniques including deployment of seabed and pelagic camera systems, bird surveys, diver surveys for invertebrates and coral, shark tagging, catch and release fish sampling, diver operated video systems and eDNA. 


While growing up in Western Australia, I have taken any opportunity to get out and enjoy the unique marine and terrestrial environment. I have created many memories throughout the state, spending a lot of my time in the waters off Fremantle and up at the Ningaloo Reef. This interest led me to pursue a career in marine conservation, most recently as part of the team at Marine Futures. I have participated in over 55 expeditions to various locations, with 40 of those as part of the Marine Futures team focusing on areas throughout Western Australia. 


Marine Futures Lab, School of Biological Sciences, Oceans Institute
University of Western Australia (M092)
35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009
